Welcome to my 'Performer' page:
Don't want to read first? I don't blame you :)
Click Classical or Jazz to hear what I've done so far.
There are also some YouTube videos below. I only have one classical video up for the moment - sorry. It's on the to-do list.
Classical Mezzo
Classical Mezzo

HWV 56 (Messiah)


Jazz Vocalist
Jazz Vocalist

Like Someone In Love

Mr. "Once Upon A Time" (Laura Harrison original)

For those that know me already, they will not be shocked at all to hear this:
I'm the kind of person who tackles MANY projects at the same time.
*Note: if you visited either my educator or author page, you can skip this blurb and click whichever colourful box you like below to get you to your topic of interest.*
I've fashioned this site as a blog so I can update on any of my devices - thus being WAY more interactive and able to keep you 'in the know.' It also 'holds me accountable for updates' or as I like to say: I get to celebrate the small victories instead of being overwhelmed with everything I have taken on. LOL!
So, yeah, kinda busy. I'll get back to you as soon as I can if you want anything. Thanks for visiting!
Here then is what I am currently working on at the same time:
For those who don't know, the background picture is Vancouver, BC, Canada - my home.